Why Was Jesus a Fierce Protector?

Jesus very clearly defended the innocent. He was not friendly towards people whose intent was destruction of innocents. Even before Jesus preached, John the Baptist said of Jesus: “Even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees. Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” (Matthew 3:10). Jesus echoed John when he was describing the destruction of evil people who pretend to be righteous: “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” (Matthew 7:19). Paul, using very similar language, explains why impostors are to be destroyed: “. . . while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13).

Unless we understand the evil mindset of impostors people will keep welcoming them into the church, assuming they will have a change of heart. Afterall, we all want to believe that everyone is capable of change. But not all are. This becomes more and more clear as we follow the ministry of Jesus. Jesus had extreme compassion and mercy for people who made horrible decisions, who lived in wildly sinful lifestyles, and who wrestled with temptation. We see him forgive a prostitute who wiped his feet with her tears, reveal himself to a Samaritan woman who had 5 husbands and was living with her current boyfriend, and let’s not forget the woman caught in adultery who Jesus defended and sent in peace.

But for people who intentionally deceive and worm their way into the lives of innocent people to oppress them, Jesus was not so merciful. There is a line in the sand that separates sinners and impostors. Impostors always take advantage of innocent people. They are repeat offenders, and they never repent. In fact, the Bible is clear that some people are so hardened that they cannot repent. These are the people Jesus called “ravenous wolves.” And they were never allowed near the sheep. Jesus saw to it.